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Super Art Gallery: Black & White & Red All Over

Friday, October 11, 2024 @ Night Owl Gallery, Balitmore, MD

Super Art Fight is hosting its first-ever gallery show beginning on October 11th, 2024, at Baltimore’s Night Owl Gallery! The gallery will contain fine art pieces from roster members and alumni of Super Art Fight. We’ll be kicking off the space on opening night with multiple art fight matches, the canvases of which will remain in the gallery as pieces throughout!

Night Owl Gallery is in Baltimore’s Station North Arts district on the 2nd floor of 1735 Maryland Avenue – just over the Royal Blue pub! They’re an awesome little gallery that has housed some really innovative and exciting exhibitions, and we’re really honored to put our stuff in their galleries. And that “stuff” is a blend we’re really proud of – a collection of original works by our roster, SAF memorabilia, and, of course, the live works you know and love us for. This exhibition will be up starting October 11th, and will be on view at Night Owl Gallery until its deinstallation on November 2nd. You can swing by at any of Night Owl’s usual operating hours, which are Thursdays and Fridays 4-8PM and Saturdays 11:30AM-5PM.